How Evangeline Lilly's decision to shave her head led to her new look in 'Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania'
February 15, 2023, 4:47 PM
Save for maybe Chris Hemsworth’s surprising trim for 2017’s Thor: Ragnarok, few Marvel actors have had their hairstyles as scrutinized as Evangeline Lilly.
Leading up to 2015’s Ant-Man, Lilly made headlines for her “very Waspy” layered bob before it was even confirmed that her character, Hope van Dyne, would inherit the Wasp mantle from her mother, Janet. Lilly drew praise again for wearing her longer hair in a ponytail on 2018’s Ant-Man and the Wasp, with admirers pointing out the pragmatism of the look as opposed to other action heroines (i.e., Wonder Woman) who wear their hair down in the thick of battle.
And while Lilly’s decision to shave her head in 2019 was not at all Ant-Man- or Wasp-related, it ultimately teed up yet another new ’do for the 43-year-old Lost alum in this week’s threequel Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania.
She goes full pixie this time.
“It was kind of a convergence of circumstances,” Lilly explains in a new interview with Yahoo Entertainment. “About four years ago I shaved my head, just for fun. And I had then grown it out into a pixie, and I was living like this, except it was blond.
“So when the film came up, like we were going to be doing it, the question was, ‘Do I put a wig on, and match the previous film or do something different? Or do we just go with what I have and just dye it dark?’ And I always like to take inspiration from the comic books. I did in the first film. The original Hope Van Dyke haircut was a call to the comic book Janet Van Dyne haircut. And I just liked the idea of doing another callback to the original Wasp in the comics. And she often had a little short, dark pixie cut, so we went for it.”
If you think Lilly’s autonomy when it came to Hope’s hair might have been challenged by Marvel — a studio famous for its immaculate attention to every single detail – you’d be surprised.
“You would think it would go through more [approvals], but it felt more like, ‘Whatever you want to do with your hair,’” Lilly says.
“And I was like, ‘OK, cool, do you like this?’ I just showed them the comics.”
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania opens Feb. 17.
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Evangeline Lilly as 'Wasp in Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania' |
《蟻人與黃蜂女:量子狂熱》角色介紹:伊凡潔琳莉莉 ——「黃蜂女」荷普汎戴茵
Evangeline Lilly
Actress, Soundtrack
Evangeline Lilly, born in Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, in 1979, was discovered on the streets of Kelowna, British Columbia, by the famous Ford modeling agency. Although she initially decided to pass on a modeling career, she went ahead and signed with Ford anyway, to help pay for her University of British Columbia tuition and expenses.
Personal details
Height: 1.65 m
Born: August 3, 1979Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, Canada
Other works:
TV commercials for dating hot line Live Links (2002-2004)
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Lilly in 2007 |
電影 | ||||
年份 | 電影名稱 | 角色 | 備註 | |
電影名稱(中文) | 電影名稱(英文) | |||
2003 | 《平民天后》 | The Lizzie McGuire Movie | 一個警官 | 次要 |
《笨賊作大案》 | Stealing Sinatra | 一個商場員 | 次要 | |
《佛萊迪大戰傑森之開膛破肚》 | Freddy vs. Jason | 一個學校學生 | 群眾演員 | |
2005 | 《假日漫漫》 | The Long Weekend | 西蒙妮 | 次要 |
2006 | 《Just Yell Fire》 | Just Yell Fire | 她自己 | 免費客串 |
2008 | 《今生緣未了》 | Afterwards | 克萊爾 | |
2009 | 《危機倒數》 | The Hurt Locker | 康妮·詹姆士 | 獲得第82屆奧斯卡金像獎等6項大獎 |
2011 | 《鋼鐵擂台》 | Real Steel | 貝利·陶特 | |
2013 | 《哈比人:荒谷惡龍》 | The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug | 陶烈兒 | |
2014 | 《哈比人:五軍之戰》 | The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies | ||
2015 | 《蟻人》 | Ant-Man | 荷普·汎戴茵 | |
2017 | 《小惡魔》 | Little Evil | 薩曼莎 | Netflix電影 |
2018 | 《蟻人與黃蜂女》 | Ant-Man and the Wasp | 黃蜂女 / 荷普·汎戴茵 | |
2019 | 《復仇者聯盟:終局之戰》 | Avengers: Endgame | ||
2021 | 《藥命交錯》 | Crisis | Claire Reimann | |
- | South of Heaven | Annie | 待上映 | |
2023 | 《蟻人與黃蜂女:量子狂熱》 | Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania | 黃蜂女 / 荷普·汎戴茵 |
2015 - 至今:擠身漫威女英雄行列,黃蜂女現身
2011 - 2014:從《哈比人》復出,奠定動作女演員地位
淡出期間,一直有不少人游說伊凡潔琳·莉莉復出,她都一一拒絕。直至電影《哈比人》的邀約。她從小就是J·R·R·索爾金的忠實讀者,聽到可以演出《哈比人》的系列電影,興奮不已。編劇亦特地為她度身訂造「陶烈兒」女精靈角色 (原著並沒有這個角色)。她亦為此積極訓練自己,尤其是舞劍和射箭。電影推出後大受歡迎,伊凡潔琳·莉莉亦這系列電影得到了不少提名,包括評論家選擇獎最佳動作片女主角,MTV電影大獎最佳打鬥場面,並獲獎。
妮可·伊凡潔琳·莉莉(英語:Nicole Evangeline Lilly,1979年8月3日-),出生於加拿大亞伯達省的薩斯喀徹溫堡,是加拿大著名的模特兒、女演員和作家。 莉莉在2014年聖地牙哥國際漫畫展上
電影 年份 電影名稱 角色 備註 電影名稱(中文) 電影名稱(英文) 2003 《平民天后》 The Lizzie McGuire Movie 一個警官 次要 《笨賊作大案》 Stealing Sinatra 一個商場員 次要 《佛萊迪大戰傑森之開膛破肚》 Freddy vs...
2023/02/15 伊凡潔琳莉莉原本不想拍《蟻人》!伊凡潔琳當初接到《蟻人》的電影邀約,本來不想加盟,不過當她知道保羅路德也會參與其中,便爽快答應,因為她是保羅路德的粉絲。除此之外,伊凡潔琳莉莉因決定出演《蟻人與黃蜂女》,讓她成為漫威電影第一位出現在電影名稱中的女英雄,也是首部...